Friday, November 6, 2009

The Elian Gonzalez Case: A blessing for Republicans

This specific case is what drew me to this topic. In 2000, a heated controversy came upon the city of Miami. Elian Gonzalez was a young boy who journeyed by raft with his mother and seven other Cubans. Unfortunately, the mother and seven other with him passed away, leaving Elian alone to be found by the coast guard. Although under the policy, Elian should have been sent back, the coast guard put him under the watch of his family living in Miami while Elian waited for the hearing. Elian’s father although remained in Cuba, providing conflict over his return. This created much upheaval within Miami’s Cuban community as a result of the belief that Elian should be allowed to stay and not be sent back to "hell". Unfortunately, he was sent back and this caused the community to question the Clinton- Gore administration. This created large number of Cuban American voters to vote for the Bush Administration.

This however raises many issues. Cubans have now become blind republican voters. Which means that there could be party divisions on the issues of Cuban immigration. Republicans, because they are secured the vote of Cuban Americans could have biases towards immigration, which would not only be selfish but also undemocratic.By doing so, they may neglect other immigrants such as Haitians and so forth. However, recently the Democratic Party has been working to better their relations with Cubans and show that they too can help their cause.

Cubans Introducing Other Cultures: A problem?

Tom Wolfe a best-selling American Author will be releasing a book that explores immigration to Miami. In an interview, Wolfe discussed why he chose to focus on Cuban Immigration. Miami is the only city in the U.S. to be comprised of 50 percent immigrants. "You have people from another country with a different language and a very different culture coming into Miami and dominating it politically through the voting machine," he said "Only in America could people from a foreign country with a foreign language and foreign culture establish themselves so quickly in 30 years."

However, many people see this establishment of culture as a threat to the “Anglo establishment.” Why is this? Well, not only have Cubans been extremely successful in the creation of what is Miami, but also they have created a large influx of other Latin immigrants. Miami is now becoming the place of destination for Nicaraguans, Hondurans, and educated Venezuelans whose leader idolizes Fidel Castro and has taken various approaches similar to Castro’s. Many have become upset that Miami is becoming the feeding ground for Latin immigrants, which could lead to an eventual Latin domination of all South Florida. Now why would this be bad? Well, because it would make it more difficult for native Floridians to be successful in this environment. This is why people have been pushing towards stricter immigration policies in the U.S. But then again, immigrants are doing no real harm, if anything they help stimulate the economy, politics, and they are taken out of unpleasant political situations in their native countries.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Class Links

Although I believe that many blogs were excellent. I have narrowed down to my three favorite blogs to read. They are listed in no particular order.

A World of Power: In this blog, Ultra Mega discovers the influence of the Super Powers. He does this successfully by studying current events and how the United States has provided aid towards many world issues. He effectively analyzes how the U.S. government’s involvement affected these situations and drives the reader to contemplate the issues spoken of in the blog.

Fluids and Flames of the Future: This blog was very interesting because it studied the new green technologies and informed the reader in an interesting way. Not only although did Nature Man discuss the technology, but he analyzed both the positive and negative effects therefore making it a wholesome blog.

All Quiet on the Western Blunt:
Bud Wiser’s blog was extremely interesting. He was able to discuss the legalization of marijuana in unbiased and academic way, yet still was able to pose his opinion of pro-legalization. It is clear that he spent a great deal of time researching the topic. Wiser also made the blog interesting by having original titles, pictures, videos and polls and contributing to the interest of the reader. It is clear that Bud Wiser put an extreme amount of effort and time into his blog.

What will happen if the problem remains unsolved?

For a long time, the U.S. has been trying to deal with Cuban immigration and the problems with its “wet foot/ dry policy.” There are various things that can occur as a result of not dealing with these issues. If the immigration problem continues, people will begin to fight for Haitian immigrants to fall under this policy. They will make the argument that Haiti’s economic and level of poverty is worse off than that of Cuba’s. Also, if the problem remains unsolved the Obama administration will receive a lot of criticism because he gave his word to “set a new tone with Havana”. However, he has already begun migration talks with the country, this will hopefully ease immigration tensions with Cuba. Nonetheless, there is the possibility that Cuban diplomats will fail to honor regulations set by the accord. These issues include: the granting of U.S. visas to travel to the U.S., and for Cubans found at sea that are repatriated to be treated justly.

If these issues are not settled, large amounts of Cubans will continue to risk their lives in search for an opportunity in the U.S. This would not only upset the people who are against the ”wet foot/dry foot policy” but there is a high chance that they will be found at sea. This is a result of the U.S. coast guard increasing patrol at sea and implementing the use of choppers and speedboats to scope out illegal activity. This would create a large amount of repatriates therefore possibly subjecting them to harassment and torture by the Cuban government. They may also look for the aid of smugglers who are now beginning to bring in Cubans through the U.S.-Mexican borders. In order for this not to occur Cuban and American diplomats must reach a new consensus towards Cubans being allowed to enter the U.S. Not only would this eliminate many problems within the “wet foot/dry foot policy” but, it would allow for Cubans to legally travel to the U.S. However, this may create a larger problem; there is a possibility that if Cubans are granted visas, after their visa expires they will choose to stay in the U.S. illegally.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Annotated Links Post

1. What the Cuban people search for is the land of capitalism where there are fewer restrictions on freedom and more job opportunities. The reason why they migrate to Miami is because in Cuba they constantly live their life’s feeling threatened and scared to speak out. To travel they turn to homemade boats and smugglers. However if they are found at sea, they are sent back. This puts them in a position of possible punishments by the Cuban government.
2. When the Soviet Union fell apart in 1994 the economy in Cuba worsened as a result of them being heavily subsidized by them. This motivated Cubans to migrate to the U.S. and a 30,000-immigrant wave caused the creation of the “wet foot/dry foot” policy. However some people believe that this policy, which allows them to apply to residency, more people will be motivated to head out to the U.S. Because the U.S. coast guard patrols the ocean border so tightly many Cubans turn to smuggling, this has created a problem within the U.S. as a result of the government not knowing how to deal with this problem.
3. Recently President Obama eased money transfer and traveling restrictions but has left the U.S. embargo on Cuba. Raul Castro says he is ready to discuss immigration issues with the U.S. but will not make any gestures. This lift on restrictions may cause the immigration waves of Cubans either to calm down or make more Cubans want to travel to the U.S. because they will have the possibility to visit their families.
4. Under the “wet foot/dry foot” policy formally known as the U.S. Cuba immigration accord, the coast guard is forced to patrol the sea by boats, cutters and aircraft patrols. If they are found at sea, they are questioned and only if they have a well-founded fear of persecution will they be allowed to stay. If they hit land although, after a year they can apply for immigrant visa and eventually U.S. citizenship.( link 7)
5. When Cuban immigrants are repatriated as a result of being found at sea, U.S. interest sections are supposed to monitor migrants and interview them. However, because immigration talks have ceased there has been no enforcement of this. Also, under Cuban law it is a crime to immigrate illegally, this gives the government to harass, torture, and discriminate to those who have tried to immigrate illegally. (link 7)
6. In the past, 4 Cuban Americans have been elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. They have been instrumental in shaping U.S. foreign policy towards Cuba. Two thirds of the Cuban in the U.S. live in Florida therefore comprising eight percent of the state’s electorate which hold 27 electoral votes therefore magnifying their importance in National politics.
7. In the U.S. there is strong evidence of Cubans economic power; this can be seen in the economic reports produced by Dade-county. In the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s Cubans bought real estate, opened businesses, built banks etc. Now, three out of ten of the largest businesses are Cuban owned/managed. They own approximately 19,700 businesses in Dade-county, 4,500 medical doctors are Cubans and seventeen bank executives are Cuban.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Arguments of Culture

As I was doing research for my blog, I came across a blog called “You all complain about Mexicans, but what about Cubans?” In this blog, the writer argues that although Cubans are legal, under the “wet foot, dry foot” policy they should not be allowed to stay in the U.S. Why does he think this? Well first off he uses a personal observation saying that he has not “met one decent Cuban” and that “most are crooks in one way or another”. However, I believe that this is not only racist but it is a generality towards Cuban people making the assumption that all of them are the same. He attempts to back it up by saying that Medicare fraud is common and hit and run murders are a constant recurrence. But how can he know that all frauds are Cuban induced, but he fails to see that there are other cultures within Miami that are NOT Cuban.

Like him, many people make the argument that the reason why they should be sent back is because they have not adapted to the American Environment. Many of them still “refuse” to learn English therefore resulting in a sort of colonization of the Miami Area to “North Cuba”. Yes, this is a valid argument, Miami has had a great amount of Cuban Influence, but that is what brings the unique environment of Miami. Although they may have not fully adapted to the language, the have been successful enough to bring economic success to Miami and provide a better life for themselves than they would in Cuba. Feel free to look at this blog and see why people are saying they should not be allowed to stay; you may agree or disagree. Tell me what you think.